Friday, August 11, 2006

Should I quit the day job?

Artist often seem to ask themselves if it is time to leave the rat race and try to make a living from their art. After listening to a lot of discussions on this subject I think I have a really simple test that will give you the answer.

I have just spent the morning sorting out my accounts. I got behind while I have been getting quilts ready for shows. I think I have another half days work to do, and then I have to file my tax forms. I've somehow managed to lose 2 critical pieces of paper so I am going to have to beg for duplicates. I thought I had been so careful. On the bright side I only seem to have lost one receipt in the whole year. Yay me.

Now I can't tell you this has been fun, but would I swap it for a corporate job with a safe (and good sized) pay cheque. No way. Every time I felt frustrated I remembered what I am not doing, smiled and carried on. I think this is a sure sign you should quit the day job. If accounts, tax forms, and missing paperwork can't convince you this is the wrong path, I can only assume it isn't.


Anonymous said...

nice to know the tax man didn't beat you .pass my exams only 4 to go and i can do it all for you

best wishes


Ferret said...

That would be good. Bet you will know ho I should be doing it :)