Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nude with Rope - Close Ups

I know it has taken a while but finally here they are. The close up pictures of my 'Nude with Rope' who is getting closer and closer to being renamed rope with nude. I can't help it, I keep getting it that way round.
Here is a close up of her head and neck. In all the photos the lightest fabrics haven't come out too well but I thought overall people preferred the lighter images. You will just have to believe me there there are several shades of light blue ending in white for the brightest highlights.

Here is her stomach and leg. I am really pleased with this picture as there is more shape here than I realised. It's funny but when I am working on these I am thinking about the value of the areas more than what they are so I don't see a lot of the detail I am adding. I only start to think about what the shapes are when I come to the quilting. For example the fabric from her leg runs straight into the rope, but the quilting doesn't. I have outlined the contours of each as appropriate to the object.

A slightly wider angle to give you more of an idea where everything connects. I like the way she looks like she is looking into the light. Actually the quilt is lying on my quilt frame so I could get natural light from one end to try and show the quilting better. Funny how these things sometimes work out.

Finally some context for the leg close up. Hope that has satisfied some of your curiosity. I will be trying to get it into shows so hopefully you will be able to see it in person one day.


Jenny Bowker said...

Marvelous image

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Still just totally *zoinks*, ferret, and be hanged to those who get uptight about it.
Rain in NC