It may not look like a lot of progress but I would say I've done about half the sewing in this project. All the strip sets are now complete so I have started the real piecing phase. You may be able to tell that the piece in progress hasn't been pressed. This is because the van has very limited electricity at the moment. We are looking for solutions to this but for now pressing is a luxury I don't usually have. Oddly my points seem to be better than nomal. I don't know it it is because of the lack of pressin or the fact I am working on a hand cranked machine. Maybe I am being more careful because I know there is more potential to go wrong. Whatever the reason I am very pleased with the result.
I have been busy this week, it's been the last week of term. This is the point of the year when I am trying to fit in everything at once. Next week would normally be a little easier, but not this year. I am giving two talks, one in Oxford and one in Lutterworth. Then on Friday and Saturday I will be demonstrating frame quilting at Patchwork Corner's 10th birthday exhibition. There will be a great selection of quilts on display, demonsrations and cream teas. Hope to see some of you there.
Finally, there are a couple of places available on my Wednesday afternoon classes at Patchwork Corner. If you would like to join the class please contact Patchwork Corner directly.
One of those little wooden pressing "iron" stick thingies is very good when there's no LX - saves your fingers instead of finger pressing!
Like the colours.
I have a wooden iron in the van, but I was worried about distorting the strips. I am now thinking of putting the whole pieced section together then pressing. Although I may change that plan if I am plugged in in the van before I get the 4 large sections joined to each other.
It's another kit from www.starrdesigns.com. I really love their fabrics and it was a nice simple project to try out the little machine. It does make a king size quilt though :)
BTW, if you want a manual for that machine, I think I have one & could make a copy - looks like a Singer 27K or similar? Not that you'd need it, but just nice to have.
It's a singer 99 and it actually came with a manual. It is not only nice to have it has all the oiling schedules in it. I am loving the machine and getting quite quick with it.
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