Saturday, June 28, 2008

I've got some great friends

Over the last 24 hours I've been forcefully reminded how many amazing people I know. Life has suddenly got very difficult for me but I have been innundated with support. You are all very much appreciated. It's when things get tough you really find out where you stand. With the amount of lift you guys are supplying I be back in the light in no time. Go send an email to an old friend, you know it makes sense.


Katie said...

Chin-up girl.:-)

Quiltathon next weekend- 36 hours of mind numbing sewing.

Take care Madame Ferret,


Penny said...

Take care, hope its not too serious.

Have emailed, but our server is a bit dodgy right now. If you want to talk during the day, you know my phone number.

Beverly said...

Whatever it is, I hope it is behind you as quickly as possible. You are right, friends can be a lifeline in times of stress and trouble. My thoughts are with you!

Anonymous said...

You already know we are here whenever you need us, but I just thought I would say it again.

You've done the same for us since we were little more than kids.

Keep in touch or we will bug you :)

Nic and Cy