Monday, August 09, 2010

Why do to do lists only ever grow?

No matter how much I get done my todo list grows. It's just that I keep thinking of more things that need doing. I can see I am making progress but it's slow and there are lots of small annoying jobs that need doing as well. I have to admit a fair number of them are likely to get done at my hotel on the Thursday night. I can clean boots there and sew on hooks and eyes. Infact sewing on the fittings at the last minute is just plain sensibke. I change shape often enough that even doing it that late in the process things still may not fit by the time of the show. Despite my eveil list of things left I can see progress is good and in general I am feeling pretty happy about the show. It is getting very frustrating not having any pictures I can post though.


Borderline Quilter said...

Oh theory is that for every one that I cross off the top of my list I add at least two more entries to the my lists never get shorter only longer and longer....but then, for you at FoQ by the time Friday comes whatever is left on that list will fade into oblivion....

You'll get there,
Best wishes
Kay in Scotland

Ferret said...

That's what happens to mine, but you're right. Unless I miss something really huge it will all vanish next Friday.

Lisa Sipes said...

I'm a major sufferer of "one step forward, 15 steps back" syndrome. You're not the only one, I promise. It's very frustrating, but at the same time it's a blessing because I go INSANE when I have nothing to do!