All the quilts have flown taking my show quilt total for the year to 9 so far. There are another 12 on the list already which take me to about September. Two of these are already almost finished and another 2 should only take a day or so each. The nudes turned out to be almost too big for the car. Bit worrying as I am known for being able to fit anything in a Capri. Well I suppose I am safe for now as it did fit. They lady who took it from me was a bit shocked by the weight :) I did say it was heavy.
For anyone going to Sandown, please believe me that Loki didn't have creases in when I delivered him. I strongly suspect he will have by the time he makes it to the wall. They had so many quilts arriving today. There was a queue when I arrived and a longer one when I left. So although we gently rolled him to get him into a bag, it then had to go into a big pile of quilts.
Last year I was surprised to find the people accepting quilts, pinning on hanging sleeves. Apparently someone with quilts for sale had delivered them without sleeves and the ladies were kindly adding them. I thought that was above and beyond the call of duty and I am not sure I would have done that. Well this year they had an even bigger pile that needed the same treatment. I was shocked. Surly if you want to sell a quilt you want it well presented, and you are expecting them to hang your quilt? As such I would want to put in some method for them to do this. I think these ladies deserve an award for service to the thoughtless. I hope they do bring it to the attention of the quilt owners.
Now on to the next batch. I have 2 more I need to get done for the Festival of Quilts at the NEC. I am doing a globe and a PCB. A PCB is a printed circuit board, an electronic gizmo :) This one is a sound to light converter. It has a microphone and when it picks up a sound it lights 4 LEDs. I am enlarging it to 10 times it's original size. This includes making 3D components. Also it will be a working PCB. I am looking at putting in 5 LEDs for each one in the original so hopefully it will be obvious when it lights up. I think I broke the chap at the electrical shop where I bought the LEDs. I asked for advice on the super bright LEDs as I needed them for a display in a well lit exhibition. He talked me though it and I chose some. His first problem was that I was buying 20, apparently people don't do that. The he asked where I was exhibiting, was it the electrical show at Olympia? "No," I said " the NEC". He thought for a minute and said he couldn't think of any electrical shows there. "No it's the Festival of Quilts, they will be on a quilt". There was a nasty noise as his jaw then his brain hit the floor. That was the end of sensible conversation with him. Whups.
I had a similar conversation with Greave and Thomas globe makers. I bought 2 globes from them and asked for permission to use them as source images for a quilt.
"A quilt?"
"Globes are spherical"
"Quilts are flat"
"Not necessarily, I want to make a spherical one"
"But it won't fit on the bed"
"No it will be art"
But they did give me permission and shipped me my globes, which are great. I guess I need to send them a picture when I have it finished. The finished item will be called 'Tread Lightly' and hopefully will have trapunto footprints. I say hopefully as I haven't quite worked out the logistics yet, I want to do all the quilting while it is flat so I have to make the footprint join up when it is assembled.