Thursday, June 27, 2013

National Quilt Championships

Rather than my usual policy of being a tease, l thought l would start with the quilt I have had the most questions about. Seneca. This is the quilt I was working on at the beginning of the year that I had hoped to enter in the Veldhoven show. Sadly things happened and it wasn't finished in time. l did however get it done for Sandown, where it was in the large wallhanging category.

The quilt is raw edge applique with a lot of thread painting. The background fabric is another piece by Heide Stoll-Webber. I think it was one of my pot luck pieces. By which l mean the pieces l buy part way through the Festival Of QuiIts when l am not really thinking too well. I tend to get some very pretty fabric that way but l usually have no idea what l am going to do with them. The fabrics in the wolf were bought in Houston last year. Again I had no idea what I wanted them for but they were too good to miss. l ended up having to order more to be sure I could finish this quilt. Of course l now have loads left over.

l struggled to find a quilting design that l liked for the background So in the end l used a combination a several patterns. I like the result so I expect l will do this again.
 For those who have asked why I don't blog as much, it is largely because blogger has become very difficult to use. To produce this blog post has taken 2 computers and 3 pieces of software to say nothing of 2 hours of my time. Yes I know that is crazy, but well that seems to be what is required now. It does rather put me off blogging. I do have things I would love to be sharing with you but how?


Connie said...

OH My Gosh! So beautiful

BJ said...

Absolutely stunning quilt! How did you get the reflection? Is that also fused or painted? Sounds like a nightmare to use blogger. I would love to see more blogs from you. Your work is very interesting.

I use the blog that comes with my web page, but I pay for it. Not horribly expensive (about $115 per year for the web page, the web page builder, and the blog) though. I have loaded in lots of photos and so far seems to be ok. I don't know how it would work in the UK. My blog is

Ferret said...

The wolf is many pieces of fabric but they aren't fused so it stays fairly soft. The refelection is just in the quilting.

Unknown said...

Stunning. Will it be at FOQ?

Ferret said...

No, the FoQ is just too hard to enter and it clashes with a lot of other shows.

Borderline Quilter said...

Ferret, that is a fabulous quilt, love it!

Can't understand why you are having problems with blogger...what's up???

Renee said...

Oh Ferret.. wonderful as usual. Your quilts always move me. and no fusing, fantastic! I have had problems with blogger on my ipad, as well so I am not blogging as much either.

Renee said...

Oh Ferret.. wonderful as usual. Your quilts always move me. and no fusing, fantastic! I have had problems with blogger on my ipad, as well so I am not blogging as much either.

Sue said...

Absolutely stunning. Hope I can see it somewhere in the UK over the coming year.

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

This is so beautiful! Looks like you and your new machine bonded well. :) I'm wondering - what causes it to be such a struggle to use blogger for you? Is it your computer or the site? I blog often but it is a matter of taking a few pictures and writing a post - I'm sorry that it's such a struggle because we so enjoy your posts. :)

Anonymous said...

I found a list of criminals that has been monitoring bank accounts and internet business, they stalk and spy on all your computer activities ACAH 567, BJLJ 156, AYHK 771, BCCS 666, 4V 6026, 4V 6025, 88KP, 88KB, 88KL, 88KY, 050 EPM, 5S, M5S, BPHC 380,BEKX 968, BNWN 970, ALFP697, BKDS 839, BKBM571, BAJW 833, AYAR944, BLCN475, 1-901-821-0799, 416-710-0485, BRMY 528, BLAZ 333, 416-520-5886, 416-456-9100,647-284-3203, 905-471-6526, aany 313, 680 vaz, ALFE 785, BDNN 223, BFTR 243, AZCA 349, 915 RAN

mamiblues (Fina) said...
