Monday, December 04, 2006

Regional day and Chrysler finds a new home

Yesterday was a regional meeting of the Quilters Guild. It was a winter themed sewing day with several demonstrations. A great chance to socialize with other quilters. It was great to get to talk to so many like minded people in one day. The meeting was help in Great Missenden, which wasn't was far away as I thought. Also Great Missenden is the home of Rainbow Silks. It is either a great shop full of wonderful things that will be great for your art, or a terrible shop that will have a bad effect on your bank balance. On the other hand, I think it is probably both. I strongly suspect I will be going back there in the not to distant future. This time I was fairly restrained, I didn't buy any rubber stamps or screen printing inks. I did however get some sort of yarn, and some more proto socks (sock wool). I also bought a small amount of friendly plastic to play with. I have been looking at it for a while but it was always far too expensive, Rainbow silks have it at what I considered to be a sensible price, so I got some to play with. I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but rest assured I will let you know when I do. I also managed to get some pretreated fabric for sun printing. I've been trying to get the chemicals to make my own for a while, so this was a real find. Now all I need is some sun.

In the afternoon, there was a speaker. Mary Mayne talking about her experience of having a book published. She went through the whole process, from the idea to the finished book. The talk was very entertaining, but also very informative. One of the things I really love about textile artists is how keen they are to share information. I don't have enough experience to know if this os common to all artists, but I do hope it is. It is so different to other industries I have dealt with and I think far more productive. After all we are far more likely to move forward when everyone is sharing information.

Chrysler has headed off to a new home. It will be heading to America, and I hope it's new owners will enjoy it. It was nice to have it back for a while, but I think selling it so soon after it returned was easier. I haven't had a chance to get used to it being around. It's funny how nerve wracking it is selling a piece even though the fact that someone wants to buy it should be reassuring I still worry that in some way it will disappoint. Is this something that all people feel when they sell their creations?

It's been a busy weekend but I think I have a lot of new inspirations and I hope I now have time to work on some designs I have had waiting. I think another nude is demanding me to make it, and I want to make some smaller pictorial pieces too, maybe some car related works. I also have a new book of pictures of the cosmos, there are so many images that inspire me I can't even see where to start, but as a reformed astrophysicist I guess at some point these will turn into quilts.

Oh one other thing, I don't think I will have time to make the challenge quilt. Well with the deadline having passed and me not having had time to start, it isn't looking good. I will hang on to the idea though, I love it and at some point I am sure it will come together.


Nellie's Needles said...

Yeah, on your sale of the "Chrysler" piece.

About the "jitters" concerning whether new owners will really like my work. My feeling is that if a piece was created with the best of what I have to give, both art and craft-wise, there's not a worry about how it will be received. I perceive that you work that way as well. Have confidence. You are GOOD! You go girl!

Dormouse said...

Sounds like a very good meeting. It is so nice when people are prepared to share information... and so rare.

I'm really please that Chrysler has found a new home. I really liked it when I saw it at Sandown (???) I don't think they will be in any way disappointed.

Nellie's Needles said...

But then again, I can't help but have a bit of concern about how a piece I've made will be cared for by a new owner. I do write out care instructions to accompany those pieces. I even enclose a Dye Magnet (Carbona is one brand) along with directions for laundering a quilt. I recommend that wall quilts have the dust shaken off periodically. I also caution about strong light fading colors. Along with all these instructions and cautions I encourage that a quilt be used and a wall piece be enjoyed.

Ferret said...

Thanks guys. I guess I need to get a care sheet organized. I think in this case it is going to someone who understands quilts so I am not too concerned on that front.

You are quite right Nellie, each quilt is the best I can do then, and I guess it can't be that bad given it came third in it's competition. I have sent all that sort of information along with it so it's new owner can bask in that too. I think awards should give as much pleasure as possible to as many people as possible. There aren't enough for them not to be enjoyed.

I think it also helps that I now have something bigger to worry about as well :)